Street Entrepreneurs

Technologies we use:

About StreetEntrepeneurs

StreetEntrepreneurs, a Washington DC-based non-profit, supports emerging entrepreneurs through
dynamic workshops, mentorship programs, and talent exchange. Faced with challenges in customer
data management, they sought an advanced CRM system to streamline their processes.

The Requirements

StreetEntrepreneurs faced the challenge of managing customer and donor data spread across multiple
platforms, including some legacy CSV files. This resulted in data inconsistencies and duplications that
affected their operations. They needed a robust CRM system for effective data organization, including
tasks like formatting, normalization, clean-up, and de-duplication. Additionally, the organization was
looking to gather and integrate data from local businesses in the area to expand their reach and impact.

The Solutions

Salesforce for Non-Profits was selected as the most suitable CRM system for StreetEntrepreneurs.
Our team worked on extracting, cleaning, and integrating the scattered data into this new system,
ensuring it was well-organized and easily accessible.
To support the client's goal of connecting with the local business community, we used the US Census
Bureau API, White Pages API, and LinkedIn to identify over 300 relevant businesses in the DC Metro Area.
We gathered comprehensive information for each business, including details like owner names, contact
information, and addresses, enriching the client's database with valuable new contacts

The Result

With the new Salesforce CRM system in place, StreetEntrepreneurs has significantly improved their
management of customer and donor data. The system brought everything onto one platform, making
data handling more efficient and straightforward. This upgrade has also enhanced their ability to engage
with the local business community, opening up new opportunities for collaboration and growth. Additionally,
the integration of tools like Calendly, Outlook, and LinkedIn has streamlined various processes, making it
easier for the organization to connect with potential leads and manage their expanding network.

Data and Analytics Services

Turn your data into a competitive advantage

Data is the lifeblood of the digital era. The data volume created and consumed continues to grow at a rapid pace with no signs of slowing. But how do you protect, access, and leverage it for meaningful business insights?

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